
✨ Special Offer ✨

Enroll before the countdown clock hits zero, and you’ll get $100 off the French Pronunciation Made Easy course + 3 x Exclusive Bonuses 🎁

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Learn How to Clearly and Confidently Converse in French

Sans stuttering, blushing, and getting stuck! 🥳


French Pronunciation Made Easy


The self-paced online French pronunciation program for beginners.

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J’adore the French language, but…  

I feel a little silly when I actually attempt to speak French!”

Okay, let’s imagine you’re finally in Paris (woo-hoo!) You’re sitting in a cute café, relaxing as you soak up the Parisian atmosphere. The lights on the Eiffel Tower have started twinkling, and you can smell the sweet scent of crêpes sneaking out from the café’s kitchen. ✨

This is it: the culmination of all your meticulous French language planning and practice. You’re about to order a meal… in French. The waiter approaches. 

So, how confident in your French communication skills do you feel right now?

A. *Gulp* — not at all! Can I type my order instead? No? Okay, um… pointing at the menu items works, too, right? 

B. Kinda? Okay, not really. I know what I want to say… but every time I’ve tried to actually say it in the past, the meaning gets lost in translation (or, let’s be honest, lost in my less-than-perfect pronunciation!) 

C. Very! I’m totally confident that I can communicate clearly in French and converse with French speakers. 

If you’re a C, congrats! Pack your passport – you’re Paris-ready! ✈️ But if you’re like most beginners and are sitting somewhere between panicked A and self-conscious B, then you’re in the right place. 

And if your French felt passable at home, but now you’re feeling more clueless than confident when it comes to communicating with French speakers, I’ve got you covered!

Hands up if you dream of confidently speaking French, but…

You feel stuck. 

Sure, you might be able to read and spell some French words… but speaking French? Without doubting yourself or struggling to find the right words? Non. BIG non. Instead, you often feel overwhelmed and unsure when it comes to your French pronunciation. 

You struggle to understand French speakers. 

If only you could press ‘pause’ and then replay what they’re saying at 0.25 speed… instead of nodding with a small smile that means, “I have no idea what you’re saying, but I’ll pretend I understand!”

And you struggle to be understood by French speakers. 

If “Pardon, could you repeat that, s’il vous plaît?” is one of the most common responses to your blushing attempts at French, you’re not alone. Articulating and communicating in French can feel complicated – but it doesn’t have to!

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Confidently Communicate and Converse in French!

French Pronunciation Made Easy is a self-paced eight-week program for beginners searching for a simple way to feel waaaay less silly speaking French. 

Combining listening and speaking exercises with video lessons and practical playbooks, FPME has been designed with zero boring bits (phew!) and macaron-sized lessons that make it super easy to keep up and continue improving week by week. 

Basically? It’s a glow-up for your French pronunciation! 🤩


Dramatically Improve your French Pronunciation

and speak French (almost! 😉) effortlessly. 

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Wondering how FPME is going to transform your French pronunciation skills and confidence?

By the end of our eight-week journey, you’ll: 

  • Start speaking French effortlessly, and the words will begin flowing naturally out of your mouth – without pauses and panics! 

  • Speak French clearly enough so that French speakers can understand you (and you won’t have to repeat yourself 324 times!)

  • Smile and nod when French speakers communicate with you… because you actually understand what they’re saying! No more pretending. 😉

  • Dramatically improve how your French sounds (so you actually enjoy speaking French and can quit beating yourself up for making mistakes!)

  • Feel SO proud of the progress you’ve made with your French pronunciation. Dust off that passport; you’re almost there! ✈️


Peek Inside the FPME Program 👀

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French Sounds

As our first adventure together, we’re going to get you set up with the essential foundations you need to start feeling WAY more confident with your French pronunciation. 

We’ll begin by revealing exactly what goes into making those signature French sounds so you can easily spot them and pronounce them yourself in conversations. 


In phase one, you’ll:

  • Discover all French sounds and how to recognize them in speech, so you can understand what you’re ACTUALLY hearing when you listen to French speakers, and how to recognize them in writing so you learn to connect certain spelling with sounds on autopilot. 

  • Uncover the anatomy of French sounds and learn EXACTLY what to do with your lips and tongue to master those unique French sounds!

  • Learn the most common French sounds beginners mispronounce and how you can side-step the stuff-ups.


French Spelling & Sounds

Now that you’ve wrapped your mind — and tongue! — around French sounds, we’re going to take it up a notch by exploring the relationship between French spelling and French sounds. 

Spoiler: It’s a little complicated. In French, a letter or group of letters can be pronounced maaaany different ways… including silently! 😂 Which is why this phase is so vital. 


In phase two, you’ll:

  • Learn exactly how to pronounce every single letter of the French alphabet.

  • Uncover what the strange squiggles on top of French letters are (aka accent marks!), so you can pronounce words with accents correctly.

  • Discover how to properly pronounce vowel sounds in individual (e.g. a, e, i, o, u, y), combined (e.g. ou, eau, ai), and nasal (seen in words like “impossible”) forms. 

  • Unlock how to confidently pronounce consonants in individual (e.g. t, r) combined (e.g. th, ch) and final forms (e.g. blanc). 

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French Prosody 

Next up, let’s get you speaking French more clearly, fluidly, and effortlessly. And your secret key to unlock greater pronunciation confidence is French prosody. 

Never heard of prosody before? Don’t panic – it’s easy once you learn the basics! Prosody is essentially the lyrical poetry of a language. It’s the melody and rhythm behind the words and it forms the missing link for feeling and sounding more natural with your spoken French. 


In phase three, you’ll:

  • Learn what a French liaison is (Hint: it’s not a secret rendez-vous! 😉 A French liaison is when two words are linked together in speech and spoken form) and when you should – and shouldn’t – use a liaison, so your spoken French is crystal clear to French speakers. 

  • Discover which French words are spoken and written with an elision – aka the written removal of the final vowel of a word before a word starting with another vowel (don’t worry, I’ll show you it’s way less complex than you might think!) - and how to confidently pronounce elisions to improve your mastery of the melody of French.

  • Uncover which French words you should stress (but not stress over!) and where you should place the stress phonetically to sound more natural when speaking French. 

  • Understand how to properly pitch your phrases with intonation so that the meaning of your spoken French is more easily understood. 


Perfect Practice

Yay – now that you’ve got all the essential elements of French pronunciation in place, it’s time to bring it all together with a collection of practical exercises that will have you speaking French more confidently and clearly. 

This final adventure is all about having fun while grounding everything you’ve learned in solid, repeatable practice that will take you beyond the FPME virtual classroom and out into the real world (where you’ll feel infinitely more confident speaking French!)


In phase four, you’ll:

  • Learn how to pronounce the most difficult French words (that almost every beginner struggles with!)

  • Discover some fun French tongue twisters to focus on one or two sounds at a time to improve your French pronunciation.

  • Be equipped with two French language texts to help you practice your pronunciation. Just read, record, and repeat! Easy. 😉

  • Receive four spoken dialogues between native French speakers that cover everyday experiences you can expect to encounter in the real world. Then you can listen, read, record your pronunciation, and compare it with mine to continue improving your French pronunciation.

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Get exclusive access to these 3 bonuses 🎁


Pronunciation Pronunciation Feedback

Get 2 x rounds of personal feedback from me on phases 1 and 4, where I’ll listen to your pronunciation and help you smooth out the things that could use some love.


French Dialogues for Beginners

Receive 40 spoken dialogues between native French speakers that cover everyday experiences you can expect to encounter in the real world.


600 Most Common French Words

Build your everyday vocabulary with the 600 most frequently used French words and their pronunciation, and give your speaking skills a boost.

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What you get when you sign up:

  • Liberation from French pronunciation shame! 😜

  • Your own personal online portal so you can access your FPME lessons and materials anywhere, at any time, and from any device. 

  • Four complete educational phases to take you from stuttering to succeeding with your French pronunciation. 

  • Interactive quizzes and worksheets so you can put theory into practice and begin speaking French with confidence. 

 Ready to make French pronunciation easy?

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One Payment



$147 USD

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4 Monthly Payments



$36.75 USD

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Sweet words from happy students 🧡


“This course is perfect for a home learner. The course is professionally presented and supported. You can work at your own pace and receive personal feedback as you progress. If you put the work in, then you will see the results for yourself. There is never enough teacher-time in the classroom to get quality speaking and listening practice. French Pronunciation Made Easy is where you can get it!”



“I had a great experience! Very happy that I took the course! If you have the opportunity to take the course, DO IT! Not only will it sharpen your French pronunciation skills, it will teach you many things you did not even realize was important to know. Mathilde is a great teacher.”



“I really like how you organise the lessons - very clear. After going through lessons 1 & 2, I've found a couple of things falling into place, marrying up sounds to words - light bulb moments. Your website and lessons are so professional and I find you to be really friendly and approachable.”


If people are looking for a course that can help them improve their French as well as build a much better understanding of the French language they should look no further. You would be hard pressed to find a better course in my honest opinion. I found Mathilde amazing as an instructor and guide. The way things were explained helped me greatly and as a foreign language tutor myself I learnt a lot from this approach.”


“Mathilde’s French Pronunciation Made Easy course has been excellent, and is putting me on a great path for my French learning journey. From the very first lesson I knew it was going to be very helpful. The course has helped make sense of the why and how of french pronunciation and making me feel more confident to speak French.”


“I found it almost impossible to find a good pronunciation course, so it was great to come across this. I’m still a beginner, but I really wish I found this course when I was a complete beginner so I didn’t have to unlearn many of my mistakes. I found the style of the course really engaging (like the podcast!). I highly recommend checking it out!”


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Meet your professeure

Bonjour, I’m Mathilde! I’ve helped thousands of beginners speak French clearly and confidently from the comfort of their homes. 

I'm a native French speaker and French teacher. I'm also the host of the French Made Easy Podcast, which is ranked in the top ten best French learning podcasts online and has over 2 million download (and counting!)

But confession time… Like you, I sometimes feel silly when I’m speaking in anything other than my native language. And while I’ve always loved learning English, I haven’t always felt completely confident speaking it. 

Which is why I get it if you nervously rehearse your French pronunciation a million times in your mind… and still somehow stumble and stutter when it comes time to speak French.

But the problem isn’t you (you’re AMAZING for learning a new language!) – it’s that speaking French can be REALLY tricky! Which is why I’m here and why I created French Pronunciation Made Easy.

French Pronunciation Made Easy is a self-paced eight-week course that sets you up with EXACTLY what you need to speak French clearly and confidently! 



I’m a TOTAL beginner. Can I still do this course?

Absolutely! You don’t need to know a word of French to enjoy FPME. And if you follow my podcast, French Made Easy, this is the same level (AO – A2). 

What do I need to get started?

Patience… and perhaps a bit of caffeine! ☕️ Jokes aside, you don’t need any prior knowledge to begin FPME. You just need an internet connection and a device you can view the lessons from. 

I’ve never done an online French course before. How do I know this will work for me?

Everyone is different, but FPME has truly been designed for the absolute beginner. No experience required! The lessons are also macaron-sized, so you can trust you won’t feel overwhelmed by the course content. And if you’re still wary, make sure you read the reviews from past students. 🥰

I’m busy – how much time would I need to invest each week in this course?

FPME has been designed around an eight-week program. If you were to study five days a week, watch all the training videos, and complete all your assignments, you should finish the program within eight weeks. But if that sounds like waaay too much, don’t panic. FPME is self-paced (and you have lifetime access!), so you can complete each phase on your own schedule. 

Do I get access to the complete course straight away?

Yep! You have immediate access to everything in FPME, so you can follow the suggested schedule, dash ahead and complete some pillars faster, or slow it down and take it at your pace. It’s up to you!

What happens if I don’t finish the course in eight weeks?

Nothing happens! You have forever access to the course, so you don’t have to finish the course within eight weeks. You can finish FPME faster or take your time and go at your own pace. There are no rules, and you’re in control. 

Can’t I just learn better pronunciation by listening to your podcast?

French Made Easy is an excellent introduction to the French language (and I’m so happy you listen in!), but it doesn’t specialize in French pronunciation. If you really want to improve your confidence in speaking French, you need to focus on the pillars of pronunciation – which is exactly what this course helps you with. 

Will this course make me fluent in French?

Oh, if only it were that easy! No, FPME alone would not make you fluent in French, but it will help you improve your pronunciation dramatically!

Help - I have another question!

Let’s get those questions answered. 😊 You can email me at hello@mathildekien.com, and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

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More Sweet words from happy students 💜


“French Pronunciation Made Easy is the perfect first, second or third step into learning French! Easy to follow classes and easy to understand content has made speaking French out loud much less scary and even fun!”



“What I needed was a course that would tell me the 'nuts and bolts' of french pronunciation and having started the course, I can say it's precisely what I was looking for.”



“The class is well-organized, easy to understand, and helped me progress a lot in my French learning. The 30-day challenge is invaluable to get feedback from a French native on my progress.”


“I am loving the French Pronunciation Course. You did a wonderful job at making the lessons clear to understand and follow. I often find myself thinking in French, rather than just English.”


“I'm so happy right now! Wow, and to think only a few months ago I couldn't properly pronounce a single French word! Thank you so much Mathilde! I haven't felt this proud of myself in so long!”


“I wish I had started this lesson much earlier in my French journey, so I wouldn’t have developed bad pronunciation habits.”


“I’m really enjoying the course! It’s helped me build a foundation and understand why words are pronounced a certain way. Now when I read a new word, I have confidence in how to pronounce it. I would highly recommend this course to anyone learning French! It’s provided critical foundational knowledge that I wasn’t getting from other sources.


My pronunciation is getting better by the day. [...] I cannot thank you enough!”


“I am truly grateful for all the work you have presented. It’s amazing, I don’t think I have seen any other program like this one.”


“I honestly can’t thank you enough. I’m only a few days in and can already see myself improving.”


This course made french easy, just like the title says. Mathilde is so thoughtful with her critiques and genuinely gives you helpful advice, as well as super easy to follow lessons and she helped me learn french and make me confident with it. Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. I’d love to study abroad or even move to France one day and you make that a possibility. You have no idea how much you’re doing for the people who study your lessons.


“An absolutely beneficial course for any French learner. Mathilde teaches in a way that is so easy to understand and her course has helped me pronounce French words confidently and getting particular sounds right.”


“Cheers again Mathilde Your FPME course is truly a reminder of how fun learning French can be!”


“Hello Mathilde I’m loving this course. I’m obsessed.”


"I am so so happy with this course!! My wife says I have learned so much in a little time , and my accent is getting a lot better. So thank you again, and again!"


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 The 14-Day Guarantee

I genuinely believe you’re going to love French Pronunciation Made Easy – and learn a lot from it! 

But if FPME isn’t the right fit for you, simply reach out to me within 14 days of purchase, and I’ll give you 100% of your money back. 

Dramatically improve your French pronunciation

in just eight weeks

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$147 USD

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4 Monthly Payments



$36.75 USD

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