113 - 10 Pets in French


In this episode, you’ll discover the French names for 10 popular pets, such as dogs, cats, and more.

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Links & Cheat Sheet


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast. This is episode number 113, numéro 113!

In today's episode, we'll be talking about pets! We'll explore the names of 10 popular pets in French, and I'll provide the male and female words when there is a gender distinction.

As always, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet handy, so you can see the words as you listen. And after you've listened to the lesson, head over to the FME Exercise Library to access today's exercises and practice your new vocabulary. You can find the links in the episode notes on your podcast platform.

Let's get started with our list of pets:

  1. le chien (male dog), la chienne (female dog) 🐶

    Example: Je promène mon chien / ma chienne au parc. (I walk my dog in the park.)

  2. le chat (male cat), la chatte (female cat) 🐱

    Example: Mon chat / ma chatte aime dormir sur mes genoux. (My cat likes to sleep on my lap.)

  3. le poisson (fish) 🐟

    Example: J'ai trois poissons rouges dans mon aquarium. (I have three goldfish in my aquarium.)

  4. le lapin (male rabbit), la lapine (female rabbit) 🐰

    Example: Le lapin / la lapine de mon ami adore les carottes. (My friend's rabbit loves carrots.)

  5. le hamster (hamster) 🐹

    Example: Le hamster de ma sœur dort beaucoup pendant la journée. (My sister's hamster sleeps a lot during the day.)

  6. le cochon d'Inde (guinea pig)

    Example: Mon cochon d'Inde s'appelle Grignote. (My guinea pig's name is Grignote.)

  7. l'oiseau (bird) 🐦

    Example: L'oiseau de notre voisin chante tous les matins. (Our neighbor's bird sings every morning.)

  8. la souris (mouse) 🐭

    Example: La souris grignote du fromage. (The mouse nibbles on cheese.)

  9. le serpent (snake) 🐍

    Example: Le serpent s'enroule autour de la branche. (The snake wraps around the branch.)

  10. la tortue (turtle) 🐢

    Example: La tortue se déplace lentement. (The turtle moves slowly.)

Now let's do a quick recap of the pets we covered today:

  • le chien (male dog), la chienne (female dog)

  • le chat (male cat), la chatte (female cat)

  • le poisson (fish)

  • le lapin (male rabbit), la lapine (female rabbit)

  • le hamster (hamster)

  • le cochon d'Inde (guinea pig)

  • l'oiseau (bird)

  • la souris (mouse)

  • le serpent (snake)

  • la tortue (turtle)

Et voilà! That's the end of today's episode. I hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to check out the French Made Easy Library for additional practice. I'll talk to you in the next lesson. À bientôt.