37 - 15 Clothing Accessories in French


Listen to this lesson to learn 15 clothing accessories in French! 🧤🧣

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Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Bonjour à tous! Hi everyone! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 37, numéro 37. Thanks for joining me here. In this episode, you'll learn some French for clothing accessories (des accessoires vestimentaires). So we’ll start by learning the new words, and then we'll do a little quiz. Sounds good?

As usual, please download your lesson's cheat sheet so you can have a look at the words while you're hearing them. It's free! After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Library, where you'll find your lesson's exercises. It's also free. 

Ready? Prêts? On y va. 

Alright, so let's learn some clothing accessories in French. 

Please repeat after me, répétez après moi. 

  • les accessoires (accessories)

  • le bonnet (beanie)

  • la casquette (cap) 🧢

  • le chapeau (hat) 👒

  • la cravate (tie) 👔

  • la ceinture (belt)

  • l'écharpe (scarf) 🧣

  • les gants (gloves) 🧤

  • les lunettes de soleil (sunglasses) 🕶

  • les lunettes de vue (eyeglasses) 👓

  • le masque (mask)

  • la montre (watch) ⌚️

  • le parapluie (umbrella) 🌂

  • le sac à main (handbag) 👜

  • le sac à dos (backpack) 🎒

Alright, so that's it - that's our 15 words. 

Now, are you ready for a little quiz? 

First, I'll give you the French words; then, you have 5 seconds to translate them in English. 

  1. les lunettes de soleil? (sunglasses)

  2. le parapluie? (umbrella)

  3. le bonnet? (beanie)

  4. la ceinture? (belt)

  5. le sac à dos? (backpack)

How did you go? Now let's do the reverse; I'll give you the words in English, then you have 5 seconds to translate in French. 

  1. gloves? (les gants)

  2. tie? (la cravate)

  3. scarf? (l'écharpe)

  4. eyeglasses? (les lunettes de vue)

  5. handbag? (le sac à main)

Woohoo, all done! 

Well, now that's the end of the lesson. If you've enjoyed this episode, let me know, on Instagram, on my website, anywhere you want! I love reading all of your messages. Don't forget to download your exercises so you can practice what you've learned. 

I'll talk to you next week, 

Merci beaucoup et à bientôt! 💖

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