51 - 15 Bedroom Words in French


🛏 Listen to this lesson to learn the bedroom vocabulary in French!

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Links & Cheat Sheet


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hi guys! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 51, numéro cinquante et un! Today's episode is another lesson of our "things in the house" series! You'll learn the French words for different items in the bedroom, "dans la chambre."

Before you start, make sure you have your lesson cheat sheet in front of you, so you can read the words and hear them at the same time! So go and download it first. It's free. After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy library to download your lesson's exercises. And it's also free.

PrĂŞts? Are you guys ready? C'est parti!

  • la chambre (bedroom)

  • le lit (bed)

  • l'oreiller (pillow)

  • la couette (duvet)

  • la couverture (blanket)

  • les draps (sheets) So you guys probably notice when I say "cheat sheet," but it's really not a word I can pronounce properly haha. Luckily I’m teaching you French and not English! lol. Alright, let's keep going.

  • le matelas (mattress)

  • la table de nuit OR la table de chevet (bedside table)

  • la lampe de chevet (bedside lamp)

  • le rĂ©veil (alarm clock)

  • l'armoire (wardrobe)

  • le placard (closet)

And for those who work from home at the moment, you might have the following:

  • le bureau (desk)

  • la chaise (chair)

  • l'ordinateur (computer)

Super, on a nos 15 mots, we have our 15 words.

Now, are you ready for our quiz? Take your eyes off the transcript, and let's do it.

I'll say the words in English first; you have 5 seconds to translate them in French. Then I'll give you the answer. PrĂŞts? Ready?

  1. mattress? -> le matelas

  2. computer? -> l'ordinateur

  3. blanket? -> la couverture

  4. desk? -> le bureau

  5. pillow? -> l'oreiller

Now we're doing the reverse; I'll say the words in French; you have 5 seconds to translate them in English. 

  1. le placard? -> closet

  2. la chaise -> chair

  3. le lit? -> bed

  4. la table de nuit? -> bedside table

  5. le réveil? -> alarm clock

Woohoo done! You can let me know how you went with the quiz in the comments!

So, that brings us to the end of our lesson; thank you so much for listening. Don't forget to download your lesson's exercises by clicking the link in the episode's notes. Make sure you hit subscribe so you don't miss out on any new episodes. And if you are enjoying this podcast, I'd really appreciate a quick rating and review on Apple Podcast!

Merci beaucoup, et Ă  bientĂ´t!

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