57 - 20+ Office Words in French


🖥🖱 ⌨️ Listen to this episode to learn 20+ office items in French. Plus, we’ll do a little quiz at the end. :)

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Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hey guys! Salut à tous. Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 57, numéro 57. Thanks for joining me here.

So, I wasn't supposed to do another episode from my "items in the house series" before a while, but I actually had someone who asked me for this particular episode with the office items. So that's what all of you guys are going to learn today, 20+ office words in French.

Before we start, as usual, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you to hear and read the words at the same time. After the lessons, head over to the French Made Easy library, to download your lesson's exercises as well as all the previous ones.

Prêts? Ready? On y va.

  • le bureau (desk)

  • l'imprimante (printer)

  • l'ordinateur (computer)

  • l'ordinateur portable (laptop)

  • les ciseaux (scissors)

  • l'agrafeuse (stapler)

  • les trombones (paper clips)

  • la souris (mouse)

  • le clavier (keyboard)

  • le stylo (pen)

  • le crayon de papier (pencil)

  • le taille-crayon (pencil sharpener)

  • la calculette ou la calculatrice (calculator)

  • le surligneur (highlighter), so to be honest, I, and many other people, took the bad habit to call a highlighter "un stabilo", so you might hear that sometimes, but that's actually "un surligneur."

  • la gomme (eraser)

  • le téléphone (phone)

  • téléphone portable (mobile phone)

  • la poubelle (bin)

  • le carnet (notebook)

  • un calendrier (a calendar)

  • une photocopieuse (photocopier)

Ok, now it's time for our quiz!

So, as usual, I'll say the words in English first; you have 5 seconds to translate them in French. Then I'll give you the answer. On y va.

  • computer -> l'ordinateur

  • keyboard -> le clavier

  • highlighter -> le surligneur

  • notebook -> le carnet

  • pen -> le stylo

Now we're doing the reverse; I'll say the words in French; you have 5 seconds to translate them in English. 

  • l'imprimante -> printer

  • la poubelle -> bin

  • la souris -> mouse

  • le bureau -> desk

  • l'agrafeuse -> stapler

Alright! Well, c'est tout pour aujourd'hui! That's all for today! Thanks so much for listening. If you've enjoyed this episode, please leave me a review on Apple Podcast. I'll talk to you guys next week. Next week we're doing some grammar, woohoo!

Merci beaucoup, et à bientôt. 

Mathilde KienComment