62 - 15 Hobbies in French
Listen to this lesson to learn 15+ hobbies in French. 👩🎨
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Links & Cheat Sheet
Lesson cheatsheet: 15 Hobbies in French Cheat Sheet 📝
Lesson exercises: French Exercises Library 📚
Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!
Hey guys! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number #62, numéro 62! In today's episode, you'll learn 15+ hobbies in French.
Before we start, make sure you download your lesson's cheat sheet, it's free. After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Library, where you'll be able to practice what you've learned today. The link is in the episode notes. And it's free too.
So. Today, we're going to learn a few common hobbies in French. And by the way, to say “hobby” in French, you can say “passe-temps.” You can also just say “hobby”, but don’t pronounce the “H”! More on pronunciation inside my course, French Pronunciation Made Easy
Now, today I won't talk about sports, even if yes doing sports is a common hobby, simply because the next episodes will be all things sports, such as riding, playing football, dancing, etc.
So, please repeat after me, répetez après moi.
écouter de la musique (to listen to music.)
Remember how we've learned to say "I like or I don't like" in the previous episode? Well, you can use that for all the hobbies we're learning today.
Par exemple, "j'aime bien écouter de la musique." (I like to listen to music.)
Or, if you don't like listening to music, "Je n'aime pas écouter de la musique."
aller au cinéma (to go to the cinema)
lire un livre (to read a book)
peindre (to paint)
sortir avec des amis (to go out with friends)
aller au théâtre (go to the theater)
dessiner (to draw)
coudre (to sew)
faire la cuisine (to cook)
regarder la télévision (to watch tv)
jouer aux jeux vidéos (to play video games)
faire du shopping (to go shopping)
apprendre une nouvelle langue (to learn a new language)
se promener (to go for a stroll)
faire du jardinage (gardening)
Now, it's your turn! Head over to mathildekien.com/podcast-episode-62; the link is in the episode notes, and let me know, what's your favorite hobby? Quel est votre passe-temps préferé?
Alright, that's now the end of today's episode. Don't forget to go and download your exercises in the French Made Easy Library. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, then please leave me a rating or review on Apple Podcast.
Merci beaucoup, et à la semaine prochaine!