78- 20 Drinks in French


In this episode, you’ll learn 20 drink words in French.🍷☕️

If you’d prefer to listen on the go, listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Links & Cheat Sheet


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Bonjour à tous! Hi everyone. 🧡 Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 78, numéro 78!

So, today we're learning some new words, more precisely 20 drinks in French, both alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages (les boissons alcoolisées et non alcoolisées in French.)

If you want, it'll be pretty helpful to pair this episode with episode number X, where I teach you the conjugation in the present tense of "boire," which means "to drink."

If you're new to the podcast, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you during the lesson. After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy library to download your lesson's exercises, to practice what you've learned today.

All the links are in the episode notes.

Alright, let's get started. Please repeat after me:

  • le thé (tea)

  • la tisane (herbal tea)

  • le café (coffee)

I think an entire episode can be dedicated to all things coffee and how people order their coffee in France. So if you're a coffee-lover, let me know, and I'll create a podcast episode on that topic.

  • le lait (milk)

  • le chocolat chaud (hot chocolate)

  • l'eau (water)

  • l'eau du robinet (tap water)

  • l'eau minérale (mineral water)

  • l'eau gazeuse (sparkling water)

  • la limonade (lemonade)

  • le jus de fruit (fruit juice)

  • le jus de pomme (apple juice)

  • le jus d'orange (orange juice)

  • la bière (beer)

  • le champagne (champagne)

  • le cidre (cider)

  • le vin (wine)

  • le vin blanc (white wine)

  • le vin rouge (red wine)

  • le rosé (rose)


Et voilà — that was about 20 drinks words in French! So that's now the end of today's lesson! If you enjoyed it, please let me know in the comments!

Thanks for listening; I'll chat with you next week!

Merci beaucoup et à bientôt!

Mathilde KienComment