87 - 50 Most Beautiful French Words (Part II)
Listen to this 2-part episode to learn the 50 Most Beautiful French Words, according to the French Made Easy community. 🧡
If you’d prefer to listen on the go, listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Links & Cheat Sheet
Lesson cheatsheet: 50 Most Beautiful French Words (Part II) Cheat Sheet đź“ť
Lesson exercises: French Exercises Library đź“š (no exercise for this episode!)
Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!
Hello everyone! đź’–
Welcome back to the French Made Easy Podcast.
This is episode number 87, numéro 87!
So. Today is part II of our episode on the 50 Most Beautiful French Words according to the French Made Easy community. So if you haven't listened to part I yet, then go back and listen to last's week episode first, where I share 25 more words.
If you are you are brand new here, then welcome. Make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you so you can read the words while listening to the lesson. It will help you remember them faster. The download link is in the episode notes, on the podcast platform you're listening to. Now, same as last week, there are no exercises for this particular episode, but you can still go and sign up to the French Made Easy Library to download all the other episodes' exercises. There are free.
So let get straight into it, please repeat after me.
l'arc-en-ciel (rainbow)
la baleine (whale)
bienvenue (welcome)
le bijou (piece of jewelry)
bordeaux (wine-colored, Bordeaux wine)
le câlin (cuddle)
le canard (duck)
le champagne (champagne)
charmante (charming - feminine)
le chouchou (favorite, scrunchie)
le coquillage (seashell)
doux (soft, sweet)
l'envie (desire)
la libellule (dragonfly)
le loup (wolf)
mademoiselle (miss)
merci (thank you)
noir (black)
l'orage (storm)
le papillon (butterfly)
la pâquerette (daisy)
le rendez-vous (appointment, date)
les retrouvailles (reunion)
le soleil (sun)
le sourire (smile)
Alright so hopefully I counted properly, but that should be our 25 words. And that's now the end of today's episode! I hope you enjoyed it! I'll chat with you next time.
Ă€ bientĂ´t, bye!