How to Pronounce 'Citrouille' [Effortless French Pronunciation]
In this episode, you'll learn how to pronounce the French word for pumpkin, 'citrouille,' just in time for Halloween! 🎃
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Bonjour et bienvenue à tous! 😊
I'm your host, Mathilde, and you're listening to 'Effortless French Pronunciation'. This is a special pronunciation series from the French Made Easy podcast, specifically designed for French beginners wanting to perfect their pronunciation.
Today, we're diving into the pronunciation of the word 'citrouille.' It's the French word for 'pumpkin,' As you can see, we’re staying in the Halloween theme this month.
Alright, let's learn the French pronunciation of citrouille: 'ci-trou-ille': [si.tru.j]
Let's start with the first syllable 'ci' [si]: The 'c' and 'i', in this word, are pronounced [si].
Let’s move on to 'trou' [trou]: The 't', 'r', 'o', and 'u' are pronounced [tru].
And that’s where it can get complicated, the 'ille' are pronounced [j], similar to the 'y' in the English word 'yes.' The 'e' is silent.
If we combine all these sounds together, and we have: 'citrouille': [si.tru.j].
Voilà! You've just pronounced 'citrouille' properly! 🎉
Now, let's practice some sentences using the word 'citrouille':
J'ai acheté une citrouille pour Halloween. (I bought a pumpkin for Halloween.)
La citrouille est orange. (The pumpkin is orange.)
On va sculpter des citrouilles ce soir. (We are going to carve pumpkins tonight.)
And voilà! That's today's episode on how to pronounce 'citrouille' in French.