102 - How to Conjugate “To Have” (Avoir) In French (Future Tense)


In this episode, you'll learn how to conjugate the French verb "avoir" (to have) in the simple future tense.

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Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone! Bonjour tout le monde. Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 102, numéro 102.

So today, we are back with a conjugation episode! In the last lesson, we learned how to conjugate the verb "être" (to be) in the simple future tense, so it's fair that today we learn the verb "avoir" too.

Ok so as usual, if you're new to the podcast, make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you during the lesson. After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy library to practice what you've learned today. All the links are in the episode notes.

If you are completely new to French conjugation, I mentioned it in the previous episode, but go back to the start of the podcast. Maybe start with episodes 15 & 16 where I share the conjugation of "être" (to be) and "avoir" (to have) in the present tense. And also episodes 48 and 64, where I explain the difference between "tu" & and "vous" and "on" and "nous."

Let's do it, I'll give you some examples after.

Repeat after me:

  • j’aurai (I will have)

  • tu auras (you will have)

  • il / elle / on aura (he / she / we will have)

  • nous aurons (we will have)

  • vous aurez (you will have)

  • ils / elles auront (they will have)

Now let's see a few examples using the verb "avoir" in the simple future.

Just a note. You will see in the examples that we sometimes use the verb "avoir" when we are using the verb "to be" in English. (For example I am hungry is "J'ai faim." instead of "je suis faim." if we were doing a word-for-word translation.) So you have to get used to the fact that sometimes the translation is not word for word.

Repeat after me:

  • Je n'aurai pas le temps de te téléphoner demain. (I will not have time to call you tomorrow.)

  • Est-ce que tu auras besoin de mon aide ? (Will you need my help?)

  • Il aura 4 ans l'année prochaine. (He will be four years old next year.)

  • Nous aurons bientôt une nouvelle voiture. (We will soon have a new car.)

  • Ne mangez pas trop, sinon vous n'aurez plus faim pour le dîner. (Don't eat too much; otherwise, you won't be hungry for dinner.)

  • Les enfants auront beaucoup de jouets pour Noël. (The children will have a lot of toys for Christmas.)

And there you go, now you know the conjugation of "avoir" in the simple future tense. I hope you enjoyed today's episode. Thanks so much for listening. And I'll chat with you in the next episode, where we will learn "avoir" (to have) in the future tense.

À bientôt. 💕

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