145 - 15 French Words for Using Public Transportation


In this lesson, you’ll learn 15 words for using public transportation. 🚌🚇✨

After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to practice!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone, bonjour à tous, welcome back to the "French Made Easy" podcast! This is episode number 145, numéro 145.

Today we're learning French vocabulary for using public transportation. 🚌🚇✨

Before we start, as always, if you're new to the podcast, please make sure you have your lesson's cheat sheet in front of you, so you can see the spelling of the words while you listen. And when you finish this episode, you can head over to the French Made Easy Exercise Library to download your lesson's exercises and practice what you've learned today. You'll find all the download links in the episode notes.

Let’s get started! Repeat after me to practice your pronunciation:

  1. Le bus (bus) 🚌 - "Je prends souvent le bus pour aller au travail." (I often take the bus to go to work.)

  2. Le métro (subway) 🚇 - "La station de métro est à cinq minutes à pied." (The subway station is a five-minute walk away.)

  3. Le tramway (tram) 🚋 - "Le tramway est moins bondé le matin." (The tram is less crowded in the morning.)

  4. Le billet (ticket) 🎫 - "Il faut valider votre billet à la machine." (You need to validate your ticket at the machine.)

  5. Le ticket de métro (subway ticket) 🎟️ - "Gardez votre ticket de métro jusqu'à la sortie." (Keep your subway ticket until the exit.)

  6. Le changement (transfer/change) 🔗 - "Vous devez faire un changement à Châtelet." (You need to make a transfer at Châtelet station.)

  7. Le quai (platform) 🛤️ - "Le train en direction de Lyon part du quai numéro trois." (The train to Lyon leaves from platform number three.)

  8. L'arrêt de bus (bus stop) 🚏 - "Vous verrez l'arrêt de bus à côté du supermarché sur votre droite." (You will see the bus stop next to the supermarket on your right.)

  9. La carte de transport (travel pass/card) 🎟️ - "Ma carte de transport est valable pour une semaine." (My travel pass is valid for a week.)

  10. La ligne (line) 🚉 - "La ligne 8 est souvent bondée aux heures de pointe." (Line 8 is often crowded during rush hours.)

  11. Le contrôleur (ticket inspector) 🕵️‍♂️ - "Le contrôleur vérifie les billets dans le train." (The ticket inspector checks tickets on the train.)

  12. Le terminus (last stop) 🛑 - "Ce bus a pour terminus la gare centrale." (This bus has the central station as its last stop.)

  13. L'heure de pointe (rush hour) ⏰ - "Évitez de prendre le métro pendant l'heure de pointe." (Avoid taking the subway during rush hour.)

  14. Le guichet (ticket office) 🎟️ - "Achetez vos billets au guichet si le distributeur est en panne." (Buy your tickets at the ticket office if the machine is out of order.)

  15. L'annonce (announcement) 📢 - "Faites attention aux annonces pour ne pas manquer votre arrêt." (Pay attention to the announcements so you don't miss your stop.)

Now let’s do a quick recap’:

  1. Le bus (bus)

  2. Le métro (subway)

  3. Le tramway (tram)

  4. Le billet (ticket)

  5. Le ticket de métro (subway ticket)

  6. Le changement (transfer/change)

  7. Le quai (platform)

  8. L'arrêt de bus (bus stop)

  9. La carte de transport (travel pass/card)

  10. La ligne (line)

  11. Le contrôleur (ticket inspector)

  12. Le terminus (last stop)

  13. L'heure de pointe (rush hour)

  14. Le guichet (ticket office)

  15. L'annonce (announcement)

Et voilà! Now you’ve got a few more French words for using public transportation. 🚌🚊🚇 Remember to download your exercises to practice what you've learned today. All links are in the episode notes.

That's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this lesson. Chat with you next week for another episode. À bientôt!

Mathilde KienComment