25 - 15 Fruit Names in French


Know how to say ”grape” in French? 🍇 Listen to this (sweet) lesson now to learn 15 fruit names in French! 🍌🥝🍏

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Links & Cheat Sheet


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Salut à tous! Hi everyone! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 25, numéro ving-cinq. Thanks for joining me here. In this short and sweet episode, we're taking a little break from French grammar, and we're going to learn some basic vocabulary, and more precisely, you'll learn 15 names of fruits. In French, of course.

Make sure you have your cheat sheet in front of you, so you can listen to the words and see how they are written at the same time. After the lesson, don't forget to download and complete your exercises! So you can practice what you've learned.

OK. Vous êtes prêts? Are you ready? C'est parti.

Répétez après moi. Repeat after me.

  • une poire (a pear) 🍐

  • une pêche (a peach) 🍑

  • des framboises (rasperries)

  • du raisin (grape) 🍇

  • une orange (an orange) 🍊

  • un ananas (a pineapple) 🍍

  • des fraises (strawberries) 🍓

  • des cerises (cherries) 🍒

  • un citron (a lemon) 🍋

  • une pomme (an apple) 🍏

  • un abricot (an apricot)

Quick pronunciation note: It's not "abricot" hein, the "T" is silent. Pretend it's not even there.

  • une banane (a banana) 🍌

  • un kiwi (a kiwi fruit) 🥝

  • un melon (a rockmelon) 🍈

  • un pamplemousse (a grapefruit)

Parfait! I think that's 15 fruits already, 15 fruits.


Now, let's do something different today. Instead of you repeating after me, let's do a little quiz.

First I'm going to say the words in English, I'll give you 5 seconds to answer and then, I'll provide the answer. OK?

So, on y va!


  • … a lemon in French? un citron!

  • … an apple? une pomme!

  • … cherries? des cerises!

  • … an apricot? un abricot!

  • … a rockmelon? un melon!

Super! How did you go?

Now let's do the reverse. I'll give you the words in French, and you translate in English.

C'est quoi...

  • … une poire? a pear.

  • … du raisin? grape

  • … des fraises? strawberries.

  • … un pamplemousse? a grapefruit.

  • … une pêche? a peach.

Ok guys! Well done! Bien joué!

That's already the end of our lesson. Thank you so much for listening! Make sure you go and download your exercises. It's free! If you've liked this lesson, let me know on my website or on my Instagram! I'd love to know!

I'll talk to you next week!

Merci beaucoup et à bientôt! 💗

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