82 - 20+ Places in Town in French


Listen to this episode to learn 20+ places in town. 🏥🏦

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Links & Cheat Sheet


Intro: Welcome to the French Made Easy podcast, where I give you all the basics you need to speak French clearly and confidently. I'm your host, Mathilde, and I'm a French teacher, mumpreneur, and bread and cheese lover. Join me as I dive into all things French for beginners, and deliver to you bite-sized and easy-to-follow lessons every Tuesday. Let's get started, "on commence"!

Hello everyone! Bonjour à tous! Welcome back to the French Made Easy podcast! This is episode number 82, numéro 82.

Today, we're learning some places in town, such as schools, hospitals, etc. You can also pair this episode with episode number 70, where I share with you 15 places of leisure and entertainment in town. 

If you're new here, bienvenue. Make sure you download your lesson's cheat sheet so you can have a look at the spelling of the words while hearing them. After the lesson, head over to the French Made Easy library to download your lesson's exercises. It's going to help you practice what you've learned today. It's free, and all the links are in the episode notes, on the podcast platform you're listening to. 

Alright so let's not waste any minute and let's get started! 

Please repeat after me, répétez après moi.

  • l'école (school)

  • l'hôpital (hospital) 🏥

  • la banque (bank) 🏦

  • la station de métro (subway station) 🚇

  • l'arrêt de bus (bus stop)

  • la gare (train station) 🚞

  • la poste (post office)

  • le parc (park)

  • la station-service (service station / gas station)⛽️

  • le restaurant (restaurant)

  • la mairie (town hall) ou l'hôtel de ville (also town hall)

 "La mairie" est mainly use for small towns, and "l'hôtel de ville" is used for bigger cities. That's the difference between the two.

Places of worship, for example: 

  • l'église (church), la mosquée (mosque), la synagogue (synagogue), le temple (temple)

  • le supermarché (supermarket)

  • la caserne de pompiers (fire station) 🚒

  • le commissariat de police (police station)🚓

  • les magasins (shops, stores) (Don't worry, I have another episode planned for the next few weeks, where you'll learn all the main shops in town, such as the bakery, the butcher, etc. Coming soon.)

That's it! Now you know 20 places in town! Thank you so much for listening to today's episode, if you've enjoyed it, I'd really appreciate a quick review on Apple or Spotify. I'll chat with you next week!

Merci beaucoup, et à bientôt!

Mathilde KienComment